


2024气候设计蜜桃直播 生态文明大师讲坛

2024 Climate Design SummitPeking University

一. 会议组织 Organization

主办单位: 蜜桃直播

Organizer: Peking University

承办单位:蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播官网 、蜜桃直播 工蜜桃直播 、蜜桃直播 城市与环境蜜桃直播 、蜜桃直播 环境科学与工程蜜桃直播 、蜜桃直播 地球与空间科学蜜桃直播 、蜜桃直播 碳中和研究院,蜜桃直播 国际合作部

Co-organizers: College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University; College of Engineering, Peking University; College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University; College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University; School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University; Institute of Carbon Neutrality, Peking University; Office of International Relations, Peking University

协办单位 :水利部水生态保护和水利遗产重点实验室()、中国城市科学研究会景观学与美丽中国建设专业委员会、中国风景园林学会应对气候变化工作委员会

Support Units: Ministry of Water Resources Key Laboratory for Hydro-ecology and Hydraulic Heritage; Committee of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Society for Urban Studies; Climate Change Committee, Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

协办媒体: 景观中国融媒体中心、 《景观设计学》(中英文)期刊

Media Partners: Convergence Media Center of Landscape China, Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal

二.会议时间和地点 Time and Location

时间:2024年10月29日  09:00-19:00

Time: 09:00-19:00, October 29, 2024

地点:蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播官网 一层报告厅

Site: Lecture Hall (1st Floor), College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University

三、会议议程 Agenda





职   务








Address by the University   Leadership


Opening Ceremony and Welcome Speech




Veerabhadran Ramanathan

美国国家科蜜桃直播 院士,美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士

Member of the National Academy of   Sciences (USA), Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences



Climate Change Status Quo and an   Urgent Call for Action




Peter Head


Member of the Royal   Academy of Engineering


Climate Change and Urbanism and   Infrastructure




Elfatih Eltahir


Member of the National Academy of   Engineering (USA)


Regional and Local impacts of   Climate Change





Tea breaks


Glen T. Daigger


Member of the National Academy of   Engineering (USA), Foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering


Water and Environmental Engineering   and Climate Change







Cynthia E Smith


Curator, Cooper-Hewitt National   Design Museum, USA

气候变化与社会责任设计 Socially Responsible   Design and Climate Change




Makoto Yokohari


Professor, The University of Tokyo


Climate Design: Landscaper   Perspective.





Tea break


Peter Childs


Fellow of the Royal Academy of   Engineering


Design for Sustainability





Yu Kongjian

美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士,蜜桃直播 教授

Fellow of the American Academy of   Arts and Sciences, Professor, Peking University


The Chinese Way Towards Climate Resilience





Round Table

四. 大会特邀嘉宾 Special Guests

1Glen T. Daigger 美国国家工程院院士,中国工程院外籍院士Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA), Foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Glen T. Daigger is a distinguished environmental engineer recognized for his significant contributions to wastewater treatment and sustainable water management. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, reflecting his considerable impact in the field. Daigger's principal accomplishments include the advancement of innovative wastewater treatment processes that have been widely implemented globally to enhance water quality and promote environmental sustainability. His work has been pivotal in fostering the principles of sustainability within the engineering community. Throughout his career, Daigger has played a crucial role in shaping policies and practices concerning water reuse and resource recovery, effectively addressing critical challenges in urban water management. His contributions have garnered numerous accolades, establishing him as a leading authority in environmental engineering and sustainable water solutions.

Glen T. Daigger 是享誉国际的环境工程学者,在废水处理与可持续水管理领域具有卓越贡献。他是美国国家工程院院士,表彰了他对行业发展产生的深远影响。Daigger 在创新废水处理工艺的研发与推广方面成就斐然,这些技术已广泛应用于全球各地,显著提升了水质并推动了环境可持续发展。

作为可持续发展理念的积极倡导者,他在职业生涯中始终致力于推动与水资源再利用和资源回收相关的政策与实践,并成功应对了城市水管理中的诸多关键挑战。Daigger 的研究成果为学术界和工程界提供了重要指导,使其成为环境工程与可持续水解决方案领域的权威专家,并赢得了多项殊荣与广泛认可。

2Elfatih Eltahir 美国国家工程院院士Member of the National Academy of Engineering (USA)

Elfatih Eltahir is a distinguished climate scientist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is recognized for his pioneering research on the interactions among climate, hydrology, and human health. Eltahir's notable achievements include the development of predictive models to forecast the spread of diseases such as malaria and cholera, which are influenced by climate change. His work has provided critical insights into the impacts of climate change on water resources in arid regions, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. Eltahir is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the Prince Sultan International Prize for Water and the American Geophysical Union's Hydrology Award. As a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Eltahir's contributions have significantly advanced our understanding of climate dynamics and their effects on human health and water security.

Elfatih Eltahir 是麻省理工蜜桃直播 (MIT)杰出的气候科学家和教授,以其在气候、水文过程与人类健康之间相互作用领域的开创性研究而享誉学界。Eltahir 的研究成果包括开发预测模型,用于预判气候变化对疟疾、霍乱等传染病传播的影响。他的工作为理解气候变化对干旱地区,特别是非洲和中东地区水资源的影响,提供了深刻洞见。凭借卓越的学术贡献,Eltahir 荣获多项国际大奖,其中包括苏丹王子国际水奖和美国地球物理联合会(AGU)水文学奖。他同时是美国国家工程院院士和美国地球物理联合会会士,这些荣誉彰显了他在推动全球对气候动态及其对人类健康和水资源安全影响的理解方面的重要地位。Eltahir 的研究在应对气候挑战与提升水安全的政策制定中发挥了关键作用。

3Peter Head  英国皇家工程院院士Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Peter Head is a visionary engineer and sustainability advocate, widely recognized for his leadership in sustainable development and urban planning. He has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his contributions to engineering and sustainable development. Head's major achievements include pioneering work in the creation of sustainable urban environments and the development of the 'eco-cities' concept, which integrates natural systems with urban infrastructure to enhance resilience and sustainability. As a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, he has influenced policy and practice in sustainable engineering. Head's innovative approaches have been applied in numerous global projects, demonstrating the practicality and benefits of incorporating sustainability into urban planning and infrastructure development. His contributions have played a significant role in advancing the field of sustainable engineering, positioning him as a leading figure in the creation of more resilient and environmentally sustainable cities worldwide.

Peter Head 是一位卓越的工程师和可持续发展领域的思想领袖,以其在城市规划和可持续发展方面的创新性贡献而广受认可。他因在工程和可持续领域的卓越成就被授予大英帝国勋章(OBE)。Head 的主要贡献之一是推动生态城市理念的发展,这一理念将自然生态系统与城市基础设施融合,以提升城市的韧性与可持续性。作为英国皇家工程院院士,Head 在可持续工程政策和实践的制定方面产生了深远影响。他的创新方法已广泛应用于多个国际项目,充分展示了将可持续性原则融入城市规划和基础设施发展的可行性与价值。他的工作显著推动了全球可持续工程的发展,使他成为致力于打造更具韧性、环保城市的领军人物。

4Veerabhadran Ramanathan 美国国家科蜜桃直播 院士,美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Veerabhadran Ramanathan is a renowned climate scientist recognized for his significant contributions to atmospheric sciences and climate change research. As the Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, and UNESCO Professor of Climate and Policy at The TERI School of Advanced Studies in New Delhi, he has played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of climate dynamics. Ramanathan is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. His groundbreaking discovery of the greenhouse effect of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the 1970s and his identification of atmospheric brown clouds have been instrumental in shaping global climate policies. He initiated Project Surya, aimed at reducing atmospheric pollutants in South Asia through cleaner cooking technologies. Ramanathan's numerous accolades, including the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, the Zayed Future Energy Prize, and the Champions of the Earth Award by the United Nations, highlight his enduring impact on climate science and policy.

Veerabhadran Ramanathan 是享誉国际的气候科学家,以其在大气科学和气候变化领域的卓越贡献而备受推崇。他现任加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校斯克里普斯海洋学研究所的杰出大气与气候科学教授,并担任新德里TERI高级研究蜜桃直播 的联合国教科文组织气候与政策教授。Ramanathan 在推动气候动态的科学理解方面发挥了关键作用,是美国国家科蜜桃直播 、美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 、荷兰皇家艺术与科蜜桃直播 及梵蒂冈科蜜桃直播 的院士。Ramanathan 的开创性研究始于20世纪70年代,他首次发现了氯氟烃(CFCs)对温室效应的影响,并识别出大气棕云,这些发现对全球气候政策产生了深远影响。他还发起了“Project Surya”项目,通过推广清洁烹饪技术减少南亚地区的空气污染。Ramanathan 因其在气候科学和政策领域的非凡成就获得了众多荣誉,包括泰勒环境成就奖、扎耶德未来能源奖和联合国地球卫士奖,彰显了他在应对气候挑战中的持久影响力。

5Peter Childs 英国皇家工程院院士Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Peter Childs is a prominent engineer and academic, specializing in design and innovation in engineering. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering, reflecting his substantial contributions to the field. Childs' major achievements include advancements in engineering design methodologies and the development of innovative technologies that have broad applications across various industries. His work has been instrumental in promoting creativity and innovation in engineering education, inspiring the next generation of engineers. Childs has been involved in numerous high-impact projects, contributing to the development of sustainable and efficient engineering solutions. His contributions have earned him recognition as a leading figure in engineering design and innovation, with a focus on fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and practical problem-solving in engineering.

Peter Childs 是一位享有盛誉的工程师和学者,专注于工程设计与创新研究,并以其卓越贡献当选为英国皇家工程院院士。Childs 在工程设计方法的进步和创新技术的开发方面取得了重要成果,这些技术已广泛应用于多个行业,推动了技术与实践的融合。他在工程教育领域的工作尤为突出,致力于培养创造力和创新思维,激励并引领了新一代工程师的发展。Childs 参与了众多高影响力的项目,专注于开发可持续且高效的工程解决方案,为应对现实世界的复杂挑战提供了重要支持。他在跨学科合作与工程实践的推动中发挥了关键作用,并因此在国际工程设计与创新领域获得了广泛认可。

6Cynthia E Smith美国库珀·休伊特国家设计博物馆的策展人Curator, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, USA

Cynthia E. Smith serves as the curator of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in the United States, where she specializes in design that emphasizes social impact. As an industrial designer by training, she is dedicated to advancing global social progress and environmental improvement through design. In her curatorial endeavors, Smith underscores the pivotal role of design in tackling the world's most critical issues, including climate change, social disparities, and urban development. A series of significant exhibitions by Smith curated illustrate the potential of design to alleviate poverty, enhance communities, and promote sustainable development. Cynthia E. Smith, not only has taken exhibitions that raise public awareness of social impact design through exhibitions, but also collaborates globally with designers, NGOs, and social innovators to explore possibilities for positive change in the help of designing. Therefore, what she did has garnered considerable social attention and has elevated the use of design as a transformative tool across various fields.

Cynthia E. Smith 是美国库珀·休伊特国家设计博物馆的策展人,专注于社会影响设计。作为工业设计师出身的她,Cynthia致力于通过设计推动全球社会进步与环境改善。在她的策展工作中,Cynthia 关注如何利用设计来应对全球最紧迫的挑战,包括气候变化、社会不平等和城市化等议题。她策划了一系列重要展览,展示了设计在解决贫困、改善社区和推动可持续发展方面的潜力。Cynthia E. Smith 不仅通过展览提升了公众对社会影响设计的认识,还在全球范围内与设计师、非政府组织和社会创新者合作,共同探索通过设计手段创造积极变化的可能性。她的工作引发了广泛的社会关注,并推动了设计作为变革工具在多个领域的应用。

7Makoto Yokohari 东京大学教授Professor, the University of Tokyo

A leading scholar in sustainable urban planning and landscape ecology at the University of Tokyo, Prof. Makoto Yokohari, who has extensive expertise in urban ecosystems and climate resilience research, focuses on addressing climate change and environmental challenges through urban planning and landscape design. His research examines the interactions between cities and the natural environment, specially emphasizing the planning and management of green space systems, urban resilience in the context of climate change, and eco-sustainable urban design. In his capacity as a professor at the University of Tokyo, he has authored a plethora of influential papers and has been a central figure in numerous international initiatives dedicated to advancing eco-urbanization across the globe. Moreover, Yokohari’s research into green infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions confronts the environmental challenges arising from urbanization, offering groundbreaking approaches to ensure the sustainable evolution of urban environments in the future.

Makoto Yokohari教授是东京大学可持续城市规划与景观生态学领域的著名学者。他在城市生态系统和气候适应性研究方面拥有丰富经验,主要关注如何通过城市规划和景观设计应对气候变化和环境挑战。Yokohari教授的研究涉及城市与自然环境的互动关系,尤其专注于绿地系统的规划与管理、气候变化下的城市适应性以及生态可持续城市设计。作为东京大学的教授,他不仅在学术界发表了大量具有影响力的论文,还在多个国际项目中担任重要角色,推动全球范围内的生态城市化进程。Yokohari教授的研究注重通过绿色基础设施和自然解决方案来应对城市化过程中产生的环境问题,为未来城市的可持续发展提供了创新思路。

8Yu Kongjian美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士,蜜桃直播 教授Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Professor, Peking University

Yu Kongjian is the founding dean of Peking University's College of Architecture and Landscape. He has authored over 20 books and 300 papers in landscape architecture and urbanism, and serves as chief editor of Landscape Architecture Frontiers. A leader in ecological urbanism and climate resilience, his "Sponge City/Sponge Planet" concept has shaped China's ecological policies and earned global recognition. Yu founded Turenscape, a renowned firm specializing in eco-friendly, climate-resilient design. With over 1,000 projects across 250 cities, Turenscape focuses on integrating natural environments and addressing climate challenges like flood management and urban resilience. His work has received numerous awards, including 16 ASLA Excellence and Honor Awards, 8 WAF Awards, and the ULI Excellence Award. His honors include the Cornelia Hahn Oberlander Prize, IFLA’s Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award, and the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award. He also holds honorary doctorates from Sapienza University of Rome and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

俞孔坚,美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士,蜜桃直播 教授。先后创办了蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播官网 并担任首任院长,创办了国家甲级设计机构土人设计Turenscape。俞孔坚提出生态安全格局理论与方法,提出并实践构建生态基础设施来综合应对气候变化和生态环境问题的整体方法论,致力于海绵城市及海绵地球的营建。他从中国传统农耕智慧中获得灵感,科学设计并检验了一系列基于自然的生态工程模式,在全国250多个城市和10多个国家实践,实施完成了1000余项工程,获得100余项国际重要专业奖项。2016年当选美国艺术与科蜜桃直播 院士,2020年获世界风景园林学术界的终身成就奖——里科爵奖,2023年获美国国家设计奖,同年俞孔坚成为全球第二位奥伯兰德奖获得者。被意大利罗马大学和挪威生物科学大学授予名誉博士学位,为教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家级高层次人才,被中组部和国务院侨办等联合授予留学回国人员成就奖及首届华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖。现为中国城市科学研究会副理事长及景观学与美丽中国专业委员会主任,住建部人居环境专业委员会副主任。