许立言 XU Liyan
[email protected]
100 Zhongguancun N. St. Peking University
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Rm. 511
Haidian District, Beijing, China 100080
1 教育背景 Education
2011.9-2016.8 |
城市研究与规划系 Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
城市与区域规划博士 Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning |
2008.9-2011.7 |
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University |
理学硕士,经济地理学(城市与区域规划)专业 Master of Science in Human Geography with distinction |
2003.9-2008.7 |
元培计划实验班 Yuanpei Honors Program, Peking University |
工学学士,城市规划专业 Bachelor of Engineering in Urban Planning with distinction |
2 工作经历 Academic Appointments
2016.10 至今 (-present) |
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University |
研究员、博士生导师; 助理教授(2016-2023)、长聘副教授(2024至今) Assistant Professor (2016-2023) Associate Professor (2024-present) 数字技术与地理设计实验室 主任(2018至今) Director, Digital Technology and GeoDesign Laboratory (2018-present) |
2022.9 至今 (-present) |
城市治理研究院 Institute of Urban Governance, Peking University |
研究员 Fellow |
2019.9 至今 (-present) |
Yuanpei College, Peking University |
元培导师 Yuanpei Tutor |
2016.10-2019.7 |
——哈佛大学生态城市联合实验室 Peking University-Harvard University Ecological Urbanism Collaboration |
执行主任 Executive Director |
3 同行评议论文 Selected Publications
Xu, L.#, *. (2024). Data Bias, Behavioral Choices, and Policy Nudging: Pitfalls and Opportunities of Urban Information Governance from a Behavioral Science Perspective(数据偏误、行为选择与政策助推:行为科学视角下城市信息治理的陷阱和机遇). Urban Planning International (国际城市规划). 39 (1): 43-52. (in Chinese). //dx.doi.org/10.19830/j.upi.2023.585
Jiang, H.#, Xu, L.*, Li, J., Liu, J., & Shen, Y., (2024). Enhancing Urban Resilience through Spatial Interaction-based City Management Zoning. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.1-20. //doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2024.2322477
Shen, Y. #, *, Liu, L., Xu, Z., Yan, W., & Xu, L. (2024). Varying road network resilience of Chinese cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 1-6. //doi.org/10.1177/23998083241237013
Liu, Z.#, Xu, L., & Lu, Q.* (2024). Comprehensive typhoon hazard zoning in China based on historical records. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 15(1), 1–26. //doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2023.2300813
Xu, L.#, Yin, H.*, & Fang, J. (2023). Evaluation of the Supply-Demand Relationship for Urban Parks in Beijing from an Ecosystem Service Flow Perspective. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 85 (May), 127974. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127974
Xu, L.#,*, Li, F., Huang, K., & Ning, J. (2023). A Two-Layer Location Choice Model Reveals What’s New in the “New Retail.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113 (3) 635-657. //doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2022.2115972
Sun, Y.#, Li, F., He, T., Meng, Y., Yin, J., Yim, I. S., Xu, L.*, & Wu, J*. (2023). Physiological and affective responses to green space virtual reality among pregnant women. Environmental Research, 216 (1), 114499. //doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.114499
Tang, J.#, Cheng, X., Liu, A., Huang, Q., Zhou, Y., Huang, Z., Liu, Y., & Xu, L.*, (2023). Inferring Mixed Urban Functions from Telecom Traffic. Environment and Planning B – Urban Analytics and City Science. 100. //doi.org/10.1177/23998083231221867
Yin, H.#, Xu, L.*, Ning, J., Lu, Q., (2023). Spatio-temporal Explicit Mapping and Value Quantification of the Provision Areas for Directional-flow Conveyed Ecosystem Services: An Exemplary Application for the Wind Erosion Prevention Service in Northern China Mega-cities. Ecological Indicators, 156 (February), 111132. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111132
Chen, Y.#, Xu, L.*, Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Li, H., Yang, Y., You, H., & Li, D. (2023). Socio-econ-ecosystem multipurpose simulator (SEEMS): An easy-to-apply agent-based model for simulating small-scale coupled human and nature systems in biological conservation hotspots. Ecological Modelling, 476 (June 2022), 110232. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110232
Jin, Z.#, Cui, Z., Zhu, S.*, & Xu, L. (2023). Face-to-face contact and university–industry collaboration: evidence from mobile signaling data in Beijing. Annals of Regional Science, 0123456789. //doi.org/10.1007/s00168-023-01242-1
Xu, L.#,*, Zhang, Y., Li, F., & Yin, J. (2023). Perceptual difference of urban public spaces between design professionals and ‘laypersons’: Evidence, health implications and ready-made urban design templates. Indoor and Built Environment, 32 (3) 494-520. //doi.org/10.1177/1420326X221116318
Ling, C.#, Feng, Z., Xu, L.*, Huang, Q., Zhou, Y., Zhang, W.*, & Yadav, R. (2023). An Edge Server Placement Algorithm Based on Graph Convolution Network. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(4), 5224-5239. //doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2022.3226681
Yang, Y.#, Yuan, Y., Zhang, Q., Huang, H., Wang, Y., & Xu, L*. (2023). Impact of Public Health Emergencies on the Generalized Recreational Behavior of Urban Residents – A Case Study of COVID-19 Outbreak in Nanjing in July 2021. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 11(3). (Accepted). //doi.org/10.15302/J-LAF-1-020076
Li, Y.#, & Xu, L.*, (2023). AOI2vec: Inferring urban traffic trajectories with connectivity graph-based AOI vectorization. In the 103rd TRB Annual Meeting.
Lu, Q.#, Ning, J., You, H., & Xu, L.* (2023). Urban Intensity in Theory and Practice: Empirical Determining Mechanism of Floor Area Ratio and Its Deviation from the Classic Location Theories in Beijing. Land, 12 (2), 423. //doi.org/10.3390/land12020423
Yin, G.#, Huang, Z., Yang, L., Ben-Elia, E., Xu, L., Scheuer, B., & Liu, Y.* (2023). How to quantify the travel ratio of urban public transport at a high spatial resolution? A novel computational framework with geospatial big data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 118 (February), 103245. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2023.103245
Xu, L.#, Peng, X., Jiang, H., An, X., & Xi, X.* (2022). Distributive Hydraulic Engineering, Cross-Scale Landscape Planning, and Climate Change Resilience: On the Water-Adaptive Strategy in the Huai’an-Yangzhou Section of China’s Grand Canal. River Research and Applications. Special Issue. //doi.org/10.1002/rra.3926
Peng, X.#, Li, Y., Si, Y., Xu, L.*, Liu, X., Li, D., & Liu, Y. (2022). A social sensing approach for everyday urban problem-handling with the 12345-complaint hotline data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 94 (March), 101790. //doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101790
Li, F.#, Nie, C., Li, D., & Xu, L*. (2022). Why Do I Always Get Lost in the Airport: A Field Experiment-based Study of Wayfinding Performance and Spatial Cognition in Airport Terminals. In the 101st TRB Annual Meeting.
Si, Y.#, Xu, L.*, Peng, X., & Liu, A. (2022). Comparative Diagnosis of the Urban Noise Problem from Infrastructural and Social Sensing Approaches: A Case Study in Ningbo, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (5), 2809. //doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052809
Li, C.#, Huang, Y., Shen, Y*., & Xu, L.*. (2022). Spatiotemporal patterns and mechanisms of street vending from the social sensing perspective: A comparison between law-enforcement reported and residents complain events. Cities, 124 (January), 103597. //doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103597
Wei, W.#, Deng, Y., Huang, L., Chen, S., Li, F., & Xu, L.*, (2022). Environment-deterministic pedestrian behavior? New insights from surveillance video evidence. Cities, 125 (September 2021), 103638. //doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103638
Wan, S.#, Xu, L.*, Qi, Q., Yang, H., & Zhou, Y., (2022). A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Sponge City Engineering. Urban Climate, 43 (April), //doi.org/101171. 10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101171
Cao, Y.#, Li, F., Xi, X., van Bilsen, D. J. C., & Xu, L.*. (2021). Urban livability: Agent-based simulation, assessment, and interpretation for the case of Futian District, Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 320 (88), 128662. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128662
Li, Y.#, & Xu, L.*. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Pedestrian Flow Patterns in Urban POIs—An Example from Beijing. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10 (7), 479. //doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10070479
Cheng, X.#, Wang, Z., Yang, X., Xu, L., & Liu, Y.* (2021). Multi-scale detection and interpretation of spatio-temporal anomalies of human activities represented by time-series. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 88 (September 2020), 101627. //doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2021.101627
Zhang, Z.#, Zhuo, K., Wei, W., Li, F., Yin, J.*, & Xu, L*. (2021). Emotional Responses to the Visual Patterns of Urban Streets: Evidence from Physiological and Subjective Indicators. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9677. //doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189677
Zhou, Y.#, Shen, Y., Yang, X., Wang, Z., & Xu, L.*. (2021). Where to Revitalize, and How? A Rural Typology Zoning for China. Land, 10 (12), 1336. //doi.org/10.3390/land10121336
Zhao, L.#, Luo, L., Li, B., Xu, L., Zhu, J., He, S., & Li, H.* (2021). Analysis of the Uniqueness and Similarity of City Landscapes Based on Deep Style Learning. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(11), 734. //doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10110734
Si, Y.#, Fang, J., & Xu, L.* (2021). Review of Ecological Infrastructure Planning Practices Based on the Ecological Security Pattern Theory in China (1997 ~ 2019). Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 9 (3), 28–47. //doi.org/10.15302/J-LAF-0-020013
Li, J#. & Xu, L.*. (2021). Implementation of Ecological Protection and Restoration at the Detailed Planning Level(详细规划层面生态保护与修复的实施路径探索). Planners(规划师), 37(06), 19–25. (in Chinese).
Chen, X. #, Li, J.*, & Xu, L. (2020). Ecological extension of regulatory planning in China’s territorial spatial planning system: A case study on Mentougou District, Beijing. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 8 (1), 42. //doi.org/10.15302/J-LAF-1-020019
Peng, X. #, Liang, Y., Xu, L., & Li, D*. (2020). An Approach for Discovering Urban Public Management Problem and Optimizing Urban Governance Based on “12345” Citizen Service Hotline(基于“12345”市民服务热线的城市公共管理问题挖掘与治理优化途径). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (蜜桃直播
学报(自然科学版)), 56(4): 721-731. (in Chinese). //doi.org/10.13209/j.0479-8023.2020.041
Cao, Y.#, Xu, L.*, Li, F., & Peng, R. (2019). Analysis of Ecological Carrying Capacity of Land Remediation Based on Biomass: Taking the Barren Hill Reconstruction Project in Fuping County as an Example(基于生物量的土地整治生态承载力分析——以阜平县荒山改造项目为例). Development of Small Cities & Towns(小城镇建设). 37(3), 91-97. (In Chinese). //10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2019.03.013
Xi, X.#, Sun, M., Xu, L.*, Huang, Y., Cui, Y., & Leng, G. (2019). The Conservation Objects Identification and the Conservation & Development Strategy of the Traditional Villages Based on the Genesis Perspective: The Case of Hedian Vilage, Yiwu, Zhejiang(发生学视角下传统村落的保护对象判别及保护发展策略——以浙江义乌何店村为例). Urban Development Studies(城市发展研究). 26(10), 18–28. (In Chinese).
Xu, L.#, You, H., Li, D., & Yu, K.* (2016). Urban green spaces, their spatial pattern, and ecosystem service value: The case of Beijing. Habitat International, 56, 84–95. //doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.04.005
Xi, X.#, Xu, L.*, & Chen, Y. (2013). Spatial distribution characteristics of national cultural relic protection units(中国文物保护单位的空间分布特征). Human Geography(人文地理). 28(1), 75–79. //10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2013.01.003 .(In Chinese).
Yu, K.#,*, You, H., Xu, L., & Yuan, H. (2012). Scenarios for Beijing’s Residential Development and Urban Expansion: A Minimum Cumulative Resistance Analysis Approach(北京市住宅用地开发压力与城市扩张预景——基于阻力面的分析). Geographical Research(地理研究). 31(7), 1173–1184. (In Chinese).
Yu, K.#,*, Xu, L., You, H., & Hu, Y. (2011). The Socio-economical Zoning of the Suburb Hilly Rural Area in Beijing A Two-step Cluster Approach(北京市浅山区农村社会经济发展类型区划分: 基于二步聚类法). Urban Development Studies(城市发展研究). (12), 66–71. (In Chinese).
4 著作 Books
4.1 专著章节和参编著作 Book Sections
Ministry of Natural Resources, Bureau of Territorial Spatial Planning, ed. (2021). Territorial Spatial Planning in the New Era: A Reader for Government Cadres (新时代国土空间规划——写给领导干部). Beijing: SinoMaps Press. (In Chinese).
Fisher, T., Orland, B., & Steinitz, C. eds. (2020). The International Geodesign Collaboration: Changing Geography by Design. Esri Press. Redland, CA. 44-45.
Chen, Y., & Xu, L.*. (2021). The Djibouti Port Project in the Context of The Belt -and - Road Initiative: Economic Geography, Urban Conditions, and the Transferability of the PPC Model (“一带一路”背景下的吉布提港发展:经济地理条件、城市状况与PPC模式的可移植性). in Liu, H., He, F., & Wang, J. eds. Annual Review of African Studies in China (Vol. 9), 23-44. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Xu, L.#. (2010). Modes of Social Spaces for Urban Villages in China in a Transitional Context, the case of Liulang Village (转型期城中村社会分层和社会空间模式——北京海淀区六郞庄案例). In Feng, J. ed., Issues and Insights of Contemporary Chinese City Spaces. Beijing: Science Press. (In Chinese).
4.2 译著 Academic Translations
Forman, R.T.T. (2018). trans. Zhu, Q., Huang, L., Li, C., Xu, L., Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscape and Regions (土地镶嵌体:景观与区域生态学). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社.
Steiner, F. ed. (2012)., Zhu, Q., Xu, L., Huang, L. trans. The Essential Ian McHarg: Writing on Design and Nature(伊恩·麦克哈格——设计遵从自然). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社.
Brown, L.J., Dixon, D., Gillham, O. (2012). trans. Xi, X., Chen, L., Xu, L., Urban Design in an Urban Century(城市化时代的城市设计:营造人性场所). 北京:中国电子工业出版社.
Conzen, M.R.G. (2011). Song, F., Xu, L., Hou, A., Wang, J., Zhang, J. trans. Alnwick, Northumberland-a study in town-plan analysis(城镇平面格局分析:诺森伯兰郡安尼克案例研究). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社.
5 会议报告 Invited Talks
1. Concept, Theory, and Key Technology Framework for Urban Digital Governance. Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University (Wuhan). Feb. 2024. Wuhan, China.
2. A Spatiotemporal Intelligence Approach for Urban Emergency Governance. The 4th Luobi Peak Forum on Urban Civilization and Urban Innovation. Dec. 2023. Sanya, China.
3. Innovative Design and Practice of Teaching "Hands-On" Courses Supported by Human-Computer Interaction Technologies: A Case Study of Urban Design Studio in Peking University. National Online Training Center for College Teachers, Ministry of Education. Nov. 2023. Online Conference.
4. Digital Technology and Social Governance: Research and Teaching. Workshop on Teaching and Learning of Landscape Sociology and Design Research. Nov. 2023. Beijing, China.
5. Value Assessment and Renewal Strategies of Urban Parks and Green Spaces from the Perspective of Ecosystem Service Flow. 2023 Youth Forum of Territorial Landscape Specialized Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture. Oct. 2023. Shenyang, China.
6. Data-Driven Urban Delicacy Management under a Behavioral Science Perspective. The 2nd Forum on “Governance of Mega Cities in China”. Jun. 2023. Shenzhen, China.
7. Methodological System and Key Technologies for Empowering Smart Urban Governance. Lecture at Baidu Cooperation. May 2023. Beijing, China.
8. Ways of Writing the Urban History: Multidimensional Lifestyles and Interwoven Intellectual Traditions. The “Weiming” Lecture Series (93rd), Peking University Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences. Nov. 2022. Beijing, China.
9. Precision, Resilience, and Well-being: Remarks on the Application of Spatiotemporal Intelligence in Urban Governance. Peking University Public Administration Forum. Oct. 2022. Beijing, China.
10. Improving Operational Efficiency in the Telecom Industry through the Traffic Autonomous Zone (Keynote). Huawei Strategic and Technology Workshop 2022 (STW2022). Sep. 2022. Online symposium.
11. Where to Revitalize, and How? A Rural Typology Zoning for China (Keynote). Land Webinar on rural transition under an urbanization background. May 2022. Online symposium.
12. Some Reflections on the Development of Urban Science. Seminar on Urban Affairs at the Research Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Apr. 2022. Beijing, China.
13. Pedagogic Exploration of Graduate Design Classes Empowered by Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality. Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Apr. 2022, Beijing, China.
14. Spatiotemporal Intelligence Empowered City Regeneration. The 15th China Smart City Conference. Nov. 2021. Beijing, China.
15. Spatiotemporal Intelligence, Social Sensing, and Delicacy Management of the City. University of Sydney and Peking University City of the Future Workshop. Sep. 2021 (Online).
16. What Smart Technologies Can and Cannot Do in Urban Governance (Keynote). 2021 Annual Conference of the China Urban Planning Society. Sep. 2021. Beijing, China.
17. Closing the Loop of Ecological Spatial Planning: Spatial pattern analysis, Regulatory Zoning, and Performance Monitoring. Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design. Aug. 2021. Beijing, China.
18. Urban Ecosystem Service Flows’ Spatially Implicit Modeling, Value Optimization, and the Building of an Optimal Urban Ecosystem: The Case of Haidian, Beijing. Ecosummit. Jul. 2021. Online symposium.
19. Ecosystem Service: Spatial Heterogeneity, Anisotropic Flows, and Landscape Planning/Design Implications. University of Hong Kong luncheon. Apr.2021. Online symposium.
20. Optimal Urbanism. 6th Symposium on Data Augmented Design. Dec. 2020. Online conference.
21. Metropolitan Areas with Chinese Characteristics. University of Cambridge and Peking University Workshop for Urban Studies. Sep. 2019. Beijing, China.
22. Reconciling human development and giant panda preservation goals in Wolong national reserve: post-earthquake relocation options and their socio-economic and ecological implications. The International Symposium of Ecological Modeling. Oct. 2019. Salzburg, Austria.
23. Toward an Optimal Urbanism for the Urban South. Talk at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Sep. 2019. Vienna, Austria.
24. The Spectrum of Metropolitan Areas across the World, and Detection of Potential Metropolitan Areas with Chinese Characteristics. The 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress. Sep. 2019. Jakarta, Indonesia.
25. Urban Land Use Zoning: History, Chinese Adoption, and Lessons. PKU CALA international PhD workshop 2019. Aug. 2019. Beijing, China.
26. A National Strategic Plan for Ecological Security for China. The International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress. Jul. 2019. Milan, Italy.
27. Urban Place Profiling, Spatial Interaction, and Spatial Optimization. Huawei “Roman Forum”. Mar. 2019. Shenzhen, China.
28. Eco-smart Cities: A New Planning Framework toward a Smart and Ecological Urbanism. United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress. Nov. 2018. Deqing, China.
29. Big Data and Rural Revitalization. Sino-German Workshop on Rural Vitalization, Ministry of Land Resources of the People's Republic of China. Oct. 2018. Beijing, China.
30. Socio-Econ-Ecosystem Multipurpose Simulator (SEEMS): An Easy-to-Apply Agent-based Model for Simulating Small-Scale Coupled Human and Nature Systems. The American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Apr. 2018. New Orleans, USA.
6 其他学术成果 Other Academic Outcomes
6.1 政策咨询报告 Policy Advisory Reports
1. Xu, L. #, *, Lei, X., (2018). Mid-term review of China's New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020): Social Inclusion Analysis. For World Bank.
2. Xu, L. #, *, Liu, X., (2017). The Gansu Silk Road Development and Innovation Project: Economic Geography Analysis. For World Bank.
6.2 标准 Standards
1. China United Network Communications Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, Huawei Technologies, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ZTE Corporation, Peking University, (2023.5.10), Technical Standard for Geospatial Isometric Grid Coding for Communications (Charter No. H-202304276564). China Communications Standards Association (-ST9 Navigation and Location Services-WG4 Working Group on Application Services).
2. China United Network Communications Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, Huawei Technologies, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ZTE Corporation, Peking University, (2023.5.10), Technical Standard for Geographic Information Coding for Communication for Regional Objects (Charter No. H-202304276565). China Communications Standards Association (-ST9 Navigation and Location Services-WG4 Working Group on Application Services).
6.3 专利 Patents
1. Zhou, Yinsheng; Huang, Qian; Mo, Junxian; Xu, Liyan; Yin, Hang; Method, apparatus, and storage medium for determining thermal data of population distribution. Invention Patent, 2021-04-30, Patent No. CN202110482704.7 (China); WO/2022/228320 (International)
2. Zhou, Yinsheng; Huang, Qian; Xu, Liyan; Mo, Junxian; Wang, Yaoli; Method, apparatus, and storage medium for mobile traffic prediction. Invention Patent, 2021-04-30, Patent No. CN202110487793.4 (China); WO/2022/228344 (International)
3. Zhou, Yinsheng; Huang, Qian; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Jun; Shen, Zhongming; Xu, Liyan; Yu, Hongbin; Li, Yihang; Method, apparatus, and device for geogrid coding, Invention Patent, 2022-8-17, Application No. 202210987474.4 (China); PCT/CN2023/072838 (International)
4. Zhou, Yinsheng; Huang, Qian; Shen, Zhongming; Yuan, Chao; Wang, Hao; Xu, Liyan; Yu, Hongbin; Tang, Jintong; Jiang, Hezhishi; Method and device for functional zone identification, Invention Patent, 2022-5-31, Application No. 202210612512.8 (China)
5. Huang, Qian; Zhou, Yinsheng; Zhang, Jun; Xu, Liyan; Yu, Hongbin; Method, apparatus and storage medium for spatial regionalization, Invention Patent, 2022-11-14, Application No. 202211422419.7 (China)
6. Wan, Shuyan, Xu, Liyan, Zeng, Hongzhou, Qi, Qi; Multi-objective optimization method for Sponge City engineering design. Invention Patent, 2021-8-19, Application No. 202110828618.7 (China)
6.4 设计作品 Design Projects
1. Xu. L., et al, Peking University Yuanpei College Student Commons (Building 35). //www.gooood.cn/the-upgrade-of-the-underground-space-of-dormitory-building-no-35-of-peking-university-by-kxaa-dizhuo-design.htm
6.5 专业展览 Exhibitions
1. Xu. L., et al, (2019). Optimal Urbanism, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture.
7 科研课题 Research Projects
7.1 国家级科研课题 National Funds
时间 Period |
课题名称 Project |
主持或委托单位 Commissioner |
承担任务 Role |
2024.1-2027.12 |
5G网络流量的时空模式、形成机制及其电信节能应用 The spatio-temporal patterns and formulation mechanisms of the 5G network traffic and their utilization in telecommunication energy-saving |
国家自然科学基金(面上项目) National Natural Science Foundation of PRC (Common Project) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2022.9-2025.12 |
基于行为科学理论和数据驱动方法的城市精细化治理研究 Data-Driven Delicacy Urban Governance: A Behavioral Science Approach |
国家社科基金(一般项目) National Social Science Foundation of PRC (Common Project) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2021.9-2025.12 |
(保密) (Classified) |
国家社科基金重大专项(21@WTA001) National Social Science Foundation of PRC (Key Project) |
课题负责人 Co-Principal Investigator (Topic 1) |
2022.9-2026.12 |
课题三“国土空间多目标智能诊断与格局优化关键技术” 子课题3“形流耦合的国土空间格局模拟推演模型” Theory and Methods of Territorial Spatial Optimization and System Regulation: Simulation and Scenario Analysis of Territorial Spatial Patterns from a Flow-Form Relationship Perspective |
国家重点研发计划“城镇可持续发展关键技术与装备”重点专项“国土空间优化与系统调控理论与方法”项目 National Key R&D Program “Key Technology and Equipment for Sustainable Urban Development” |
子课题负责人 Co-Principal Investigator (Topic 3.3) |
7.2 部委和国际组织委托研究课题 Ministerial and International Organization Commissions
时间 Period |
课题名称 Project |
主持或委托单位 Commissioner |
承担任务 Role |
2017.8-2018.2 |
《国家新型城镇化规划》中期评估,市民化专题 Mid-term review of China’ s National New Urbanization Plan: Social Inclusion Analysis |
世界银行 World Bank |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2016.12-2017.6 |
甘肃省丝绸之路发展创新项目经济地理背景研究,经济地理专题 The Gansu Silk Road Development and Innovation Project: Economic Geography Analysis |
世界银行 World Bank |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2018.5-2019.4 |
长江经济带村域生态安全与文化景观保护规划 Ecological Security and Cultural Landscape Preservation for the Yangtze River Basin |
自然资源部土地整治研究中心 Ministry of Natural Resources of PRC |
联合项目负责人 Co-Principal Investigator |
2017.1-2018.1 |
村土地综合整治生态景观类型研究 Strategies for Ecosystem Restoration in Rural Revitalization |
国土资源部土地整治中心 Ministry of Natural Resources of PRC |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
7.3 地方政府与企业合作课题 Local Government and Enterprise Commissions
时间 Period |
课题名称 Project |
主持或委托单位 Commissioner |
承担任务 Role |
2023.9-2024.8 |
基于行为科学和时空智能的光谷城市精细化治理理论与方法研究 Delicacy Urban Governance for Guanggu, Wuhan: A Behavior-based Spatiotemporal Intelligence Approach |
武汉人工智能研究院 Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University (Wuhan) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2023.6-2024.6 |
基于时空计算的政务工单智能分拨和治理技术 Spatiotemporal Intelligent Computing for Processing Urban Problem Complaints |
(保密) (Classified) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2022.10-2023.5 |
流量自治域应用基础研究 Applied Basic Research on the Traffic Autonomous Zone (TAZ) |
(保密) (Classified) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2022.9-2024.4 |
基于城市流的智慧电信研究(三期) Spatiotemporal Intelligent Computing for Telecommunications (Phase III) |
(保密) (Classified) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2021.7-2022.7 |
基于城市流的智慧电信研究(二期) Spatiotemporal Intelligent Computing for Telecommunications (Phase II) |
(保密) (Classified) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2019.11-2020.11 |
基于城市流的智慧电信研究(一期) Spatiotemporal Intelligent Computing for Telecommunications (Phase I) |
(保密) (Classified) |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2020.10-2021.9 |
城市多交通出行方式的体验优化研究 Experience Optimization of Multimodal Urban Transportation |
宁波市江北区城市管理局 City management Bureau, Jiangbei, Ningbo |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2020.10-2021.9 |
城市商业街区环境评价与立面优化 Façade Optimization for Urban Commercial Streets |
宁波市江北区城市管理局 City management Bureau, Jiangbei, Ningbo |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2019.10-2020.9 |
宁波市江北区城市规划与运营问题发现与治理优化方式研究 Urban Planning and Maintenance Problems Detection and Governance Optimization |
宁波市江北区城市管理局 City management Bureau, Jiangbei, Ningbo |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2019.10-2020.9 |
“智慧城管”视角下的城市事件定位与响应模型研究 Urban Problem Events Identification and Response Models from a Smart City Perspective |
宁波市江北区城市管理局 City management Bureau, Jiangbei, Ningbo |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2019.7-2021.12 |
存量建设用地分级使用案例研究 Urban Building Intensity Theories and Planning Methods |
北京市城市规划设计研究院 Beijing Institute for Urban Planning and Design |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2019.7-2023.1 |
西昌市国土空间规划(2020-2035年)生态安全与空间管控专题 Ecological Security and Land Use Control Research for Xichang Territorial Planning (2020-2035) |
中国城市规划设计研究院 China Academy for Urban Planning and Design |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
卧龙自然保护区总体规划 Wolong Nature Reserve Master Plan |
卧龙自然保护区管理局 Administration for the Wolong National Reserve |
联合项目负责人 Co-Principal Investigator |
2018.6-2018.12 |
基于生态安全格局的新城生态空间管控规划方法研究 Ecological space control planning method for new cities based on ecological security pattern |
城市空间规划设计有限公司 Urbanspace Planning & Design Co. |
联合项目负责人 Co-Principal Investigator |
2017.12-2018.6 |
义乌市生态乡村振兴专题和案例研究 Topics and Case Studies of Ecological Rural Revitalization in Yiwu City |
义乌市规划局 Yiwu Planning Bureau |
联合项目负责人 Co-Principal Investigator |
2017.6-2017.12 |
盘锦市绿地系统规划(2016-2030年)生态基础设施构建专题 Ecological Infrastructure Research for Panjin Green Space System Planning (2016-2030) |
中国城市规划设计研究院 China Academy for Urban Planning and Design |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2017.5-2018.2 |
海口市生态城市研究和概念规划 Ecological Urbanism Research and Conceptual Planning for Haikou, Hainan |
海口市城市管理委员会 Haikou City Management Committee |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
2016.10-2017.12 |
大西安都市区生态空间规划研究 Ecological Spatial Planning for Greater Xi’an |
西安市城市规划设计研究院 Xi'an Institute for Urban Planning and Design |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
8 教学工作 Teaching and Tutorship
8.1 承担课程 Course Offered at Peking University
Offered six courses independently, including two undergraduate courses and five graduate courses (with one for both undergraduate and graduate students). Annual averaged 4.5 courses, 8.5 credits, and 136 credit hours.
Prepared two lecture notes: Urban History, and Spatiotemporal Intelligence and Smart Cities.
时间 Period |
课号 Course No. |
课程 Course |
学分 Credit |
课程类型 Course Level and Type |
2018.3- |
CALA19506146 /CALA19516170 /CALA19513832; CUES12635410 |
数字技术与规划设计(2018-2019) 时空智能与智慧城市(2020-2022) 智慧城市规划设计(2023-) Digital Technology and Planning and Design (2018-2019) Spatiotemporal Intelligence and Smart Cities (2020-2022) Smart City Planning and Design (2023-present) |
2 |
本研合上专业选修 Undergraduate/Graduate Elective |
2019.9- |
CALA19516102 |
城市设计 Urban Design Studio |
3 |
研究生专业限选 Graduate Compulsory |
2019.2- |
CALA19516021 |
文献阅读与独立研究II Literature Reading and Independent Research II |
1 |
研究生专业必修 Graduate Compulsory |
2018.9- |
CUES01532190 |
中外城市建设史 History of Chinese and Foreign Cities |
2 |
本科专业必修 Undergraduate Compulsory |
2017.9-2020.1; 2024.1- |
CALA19556168 |
设计哲学 Design Philosophy |
2 |
研究生专业限选 Graduate Elective |
2017.9-2019.1 |
CALA19556101 |
区域景观规划 Regional Landscape Planning |
3 |
研究生专业限选 Graduate Compulsory |
8.2 国际课程与实习 International Joint Courses and Fieldtrips
时间 Period |
课号 Course No. |
课程 Course |
学分 Credit |
课程类型 Course Level and Type |
2019.8 |
N/A |
研究生“一带一路”综合考察 The “Belt and Road” Comprehensive Fieldtrip for Graduate Students in Djibouti and Ethiopia |
N/A |
暑期实习 Summer Fieldtrip |
2017.7-2019.8 |
CALA19556141 |
世界城市建筑与景观 World Cities, Architecture, and Landscape |
2 |
研究生选修 Graduate Elective |
2017.7 |
GSD ADV-9145 |
北大-哈佛生态城市联合设计课 The Peking University-Harvard University Joint Ecological Urbanism Summer Studio |
2 |
研究生选修 Graduate Elective |
8.3 研究生指导 Graduate Theses Supervised
56 students graduated, including 1 PhD, 46 masters, and 9 undergraduates; 19 currently enrolled, including 2 postdoctoral fellows, 3 PhDs, and 14 masters.
8.3.1 博士学位论文 PhD Dissertations
毕业年份 Class |
作者 Author |
论文题目 Thesis Title |
2023 |
路青 Lu, Qing |
国土空间规划视野下城市区域社会-生态流的空间模式及圈层结构研究 Study on the spatial pattern and ring structure of socio-ecological flow in urban regions under the perspective of territorial spatial planning |
8.3.2 硕士学位论文 Master Theses
毕业年份 Class |
作者 Author |
学位* Program |
论文题目 Thesis Title |
2023 |
郭亚冲 Guo, Yachong |
公共健康视角下城市绿道感知研究 Research on landscape perception and health perception of Urban greenway from the perspective of public health——a case study of the second ring greenway in Beijing |
2023 |
唐金潼 Tang, Jintong |
基于时空行为的电信网络区划方法研究 Research on telecom network regionalization method based on spatial-temporal behavior |
2023 |
宁静 Ning, Jing |
跨尺度空间交互对城市群生态质量的影响机制研究 Research on the impact mechanism of cross-scale spatial interaction on the ecological quality of urban agglomeration |
2023 |
牛源 Niu, Yuan |
社会感知数据的偏误性质及其行为学机制研究——以宁波市江北区违停案件为例 Research on the nature of bias in social sensing data and its behavioral mechanism——taking the parking violation records in Jiangbei district of Ningbo city as an example |
2023 |
樊思恺 Fan, Sikai |
街道与住宅:测量两种视角下的中国城市视觉形象 Measuring the visual image of Chinese cities from the perspectives of streets and buildings |
2023 |
蔡茂 Cai, Mao |
生态系统服务视角下北京市民宿的市场价值实现机制与路径 Market value realization mechanism and path of Beijing’s bed & breakfast from the perspective of ecosystem services |
2023 |
郑莉茵 Zheng, Liyin |
社区零售空间可达性和公平性研究 The studies of community retail space accessibility and equity |
2022 |
姜河之是 Jiang, Hezhishi |
基于空间交互的韧性城市管理网格与巡线优化 A resilient urban management zoning through spatial interaction-based optimization |
2022 |
黄可青 Huang, Keqing |
城市公园游憩服务流距离衰减与供需耦合研究 Research on the distance decay and supply-demand coupling of urban park recreation ES flow——taking the main urban area of Ningbo city as an example |
2022 |
陈俊朋 Chen, Junpeng |
实施路径对智慧城市绩效的影响 Impact of implementation path on smart city performance |
2022 |
白鑫真 Bai, Xinzhen |
虚拟现实环境中植被景观写实水平的心理恢复性影响研究 A study on the psychological restorative effects of realistic level of vegetation landscape in virtual reality environment |
2022 |
徐焰 Xu, Yan |
基于虚拟现实的街道空间压迫感量化研究 Quantitative research on oppressiveness of streetscapes based on virtual reality |
2022 |
陈媛媛 Chen, Yuanyuan |
基于虚拟现实的骑行路段环境感知研究 Research on cycling environment perception based on virtual reality |
2021 |
任佰强 Ren, Baiqiang |
非集中建设区详细规划管控探索 Exploration on regulation of detailed planning for non-centralized construction areas |
2021 |
张芸 Zhang, Yun |
城市公共空间声景观的生成、感知与设计——基于宁波市江北区的实证研究 The environmental physics, psychology, and design of urban public space soundscape — empirical study based on Jiangbei district, Ningbo city |
2021 |
袁秀美 Yuan, Xiumei |
基于虚拟现实的视觉和听觉环境恢复性交互机制研究 Research on restorative interaction mechanism of visual and auditory environment based on virtual reality |
2021 |
郭锐 Guo, Rui |
基于网络游记挖掘的旅游地感知意象研究 Research on the tourism perceived images based on online travel text |
2021 |
郭静 Guo, Jing |
北京市自然教育发展态势和时空特征研究 Study on the development trend and spatio-temporal characteristics of nature education in Beijing |
2021 |
于辉 Yu, Hui |
自然教育视角下的城市湿地公园提升设计研究 Research on the upgrading design of urban wetland park from the perspective of nature education |
2021 |
张倩 Zhang, Qian |
智慧园区中智能服务设施使用后评价及改进-以雄安市民服务中心为例 Post-occupancy evaluation and improvement of smart service facilities in smart parks: a case study of Xiong'an citizen service center |
2021 |
张婉君 Zhang, Wanjun |
北京市风景园林设计产业空间分布及其影响因子研究 Research on the spatial distribution and influencing factors of the landscape design industry in Beijing |
2021 |
林奕彤 Lin, Yitong |
社区适老化环境预防跌倒的评估体系构建及设计研究 Research on the construction and design of assessment system for fall prevention in community ageing-friendly environment: an example from Xicheng |
2021 |
范啸天 Fan, Xiaotian |
北京市商品居住区植物景观分析 Plant landscape analysis of commercial residential area in Beijing |
2021 |
苏爽 Su, Shuang |
老幼共享户外公共空间的声景感知研究 A study of soundscape perception in shared outdoor public spaces for the elderly and the young |
2021 |
陈灵斐 Chen, Lingfei |
基于行为注记法的城市滨水空间环境行为研究—以杭州京杭大运河城区段为例 A study on the environmental behavior of urban waterfront space based on the behavior mapping: an example of the urban section of the Beijing Hangzhou grand canal in Hangzhou |
2021 |
张子骄 Zhang, Zijiao |
设计师与公众差异视角下的城市公共空间感知研究——以老外滩为例 Research on perception of urban public space based on the difference between designers and the public: a case study of Laowaitan |
2021 |
魏文翰 Wei, Wenhan |
基于监控视频数据的步行行为与城市公共空间建成环境关系研究 Pedestrian behaviors by environmental factors of public spaces: new insights from surveillance video evidence |
2021 |
杜青洋 Du, Qingyang |
多元主体的城市视觉形象感知差异研究 Research on the difference of urban visual image perception of multiple subjects |
2020 |
司雨田 Si, Yutian |
社会感知视角的城市噪声问题诊断 ——基于宁波市江北区12345市民投诉热线的分析 Diagnosing of urban noise from the perspective of social sensing: based on the analysis of the 12345 citizen hotline in Jiangbei district, Ningbo city |
2020 |
张潇 Zhang, Xiao |
生态系统服务供需视角下中小型城市空间格局优化策略研究——以西昌市为例 Research on the optimization strategies of the spatial pattern of small and medium sized cities from the perspective of supply and demand of ecosystem services: a case study on Xichang city |
2020 |
李羿蒲 Li, Yipu |
基于社交媒体数据的游客时空行为规律分析与典型旅游线路发现——以北京市为例 Analysis of spatial and temporal behavior of tourists and discovery of typical tourist routes based on social media data: a case study of Beijing |
2020 |
陈学璐 Chen, Xuelu |
控制性详细规划生态拓展的关键技术探索——以北京市门头沟区为例 Exploring the key technologies of ecological expansion of regulatory detailed planning: a case study on Mentougou district, Beijing |
2020 |
骆峻男 Luo, Junnan |
夜间经济视角下的商圈服务流时空模式研究——以工体三里屯、后海、五道口为例 Research on the spatiotemporal pattern of commercial districts from the perspective of nighttime economy: taking Gongti Sanlitun, Houhai, and Wudaokou as examples |
2020 |
吴攀 Wu, Pan |
城市开发边界划定与管理的研究——以宣城市为例 The delimitation and management of urban growth boundary: a case study of Xuancheng city |
2020 |
万书言 Wan, Shuyan |
海绵城市工程设计多目标优化决策研究 Research on multi-objective optimization decision of sponge city engineering design |
2020 |
张昊 Zhang, Hao |
中关村环保园生态公园声景观研究 Study on the soundscape of the Zhongguancun Eco-park |
2020 |
郭强 Guo, Qiang |
基于POE的城市老旧公园改造——以百色人民公园为例 Transformation of old urban parks based on POE: exemplified by Baise people's park |
2020 |
秦世宇 Qin, Shiyu |
城市型世园会旧址后续利用规划策略研究——以唐山世园会为例 Research on the planning strategy for the after-use of urban world horticultural exposition: a case study of Tangshan world horticultural exposition |
2019 |
张静瑜 Zhang, Jingyu |
城镇化转型下乡土民居聚落的物质、社会与精神空间演化——以闽南六都村为例 The evolution of physical, social and spiritual space of vernacular settlement in the context of urbanization transformation: taking Liudu village in southern Fujian province as an example |
2019 |
曹莹琦 Cao, Yingqi |
基于Netlogo的城市宜居性模拟研究——以深圳市为例 Research on simulation and evaluation of urban livability based on NetLogo: taking Shenzhen as an example |
2019 |
邱雨璇 Qiu, Yuxuan |
绿地与广场用地指标对县城的适宜性探讨——以江西省广昌县为例 Discussion on the suitability of green space and square land use index to county town: taking Guangcheng county of Jiangxi province as an example |
2019 |
李崛 Li, Jue |
生态控制性详细规划编制的方法与路径探索——以北京市门头沟区为例 Exploration on the method and path of ecological control detailed planning: a case in Mentougou district of Beijing city |
2018 |
邹永俊 Zou, Yongjun |
共享单车设施服务评价体系研究——以北京市中关村片区为例 Research on service evaluation system of shared bicycle facilities: taking Zhongguancun district of Beijing as an example |
2018 |
侯小楠 Hou, Xiaonan |
老年人户外活动空间设计及影响空间使用率因素研究—以上海市虹口区为例 A study on design of outdoor activity space for the elderly people and factors affecting the space utility |
2017 |
魏冰凌 Wei, Bingling |
城市慢行系统建立实践及影响因子分析——以中新天津生态城为例 Practice and benefit analysis of urban slow system: a case study of Tianjin central eco-city |
2017 |
黄露 Huang, Lu |
后中式时代的地产示范区景观创新 Landscaping innovative on real estate demonstration zone at the post Chinese-style era |
* Master’s Programs:
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (MSLA)
Full-time Master of Landscape Architecture (FMLA)
Part-time Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
8.4 本科生指导 Undergraduate Mentoring
8.4.1 本科毕业论文 Undergraduate Theses
毕业年份 Class |
作者 Author |
论文题目 Thesis Title |
2023 |
李天舒 Li, Tianshu |
基于人类移动性流形的城市传染病建模研究 Modeling urban pandemic using human mobility manifold |
2023 |
郑新英 Zheng, Xinying |
北京折叠:刻画高阶视角下的空间区隔 Folding Beijing: profiling high-order urban spatial segregation |
2023 |
李亦秦 Li, Yiqin |
空间视角下的寻路行为与绩效研究——以首都机场T3航站楼为例 Research on the relationship between wayfinding behavior and performance based on spatial morphology: taking terminal 3 of Beijing international airport as an example |
2022 |
管敏辰 Guan, Minchen |
基于华为手机轨迹数据的城市社区生活圈研究——以北京为例 Research on urban community living circle based on Huawei mobile phone trajectory data: a case study of Beijing |
2021 |
沈超凡 Shen, Chaofan |
地理学视角下城市用户移动终端流量的时空分布研究 A study on spatial and temporal distribution of mobile terminal data of urban users from a geographical perspective |
2020 |
单良 Shan, Liang |
基于机器学习的城市问题推断研究_以三亚市违规停车问题为例 Machine leaning based inference of urban problems: the case of parking violations in Sanya |
2020 |
侯懿 Hou, Yi |
基于POI的复杂网络分析——从生活性服务业网络到居民需求网络 From the everyday service network to the consumers’ demand network: a complex network analysis based on POI data |
2020 |
宁静 Ning, Jing |
北京城市强度影响机制及规划启示 Urban intensity: influence mechanisms and planning enlightenment of Beijing |
2020 |
唐金潼 Tang, Jintong |
基于多源大数据的北京城市公园生态系统文化服务流研究 Research on cultural ecosystem service flow of urban parks in Beijing based on multi-source big data |
8.4.2 本科生科研 Undergraduate Independent Research Programs
年份 Year |
作者 Author |
研究题目 Project Title |
2022-2023 |
黄楚睿 Huang, Churui |
基于大数据的个性化旅游线路推荐 Personalized travel itinerary recommendation based on big data |
2022-2023 |
杜诗颖 Du, Shiying |
基于12345数据的流动摊贩精细化治理——以三亚市为例 Refined governance of street vendors based on 12345 data--taking Sanya city as an example |
2021-2022 |
李东航 Li, Donghang |
基于右转机动车与非机动车博弈视角下的文明交通行为研究 Interactions between right-turn vehicles and pedestrians: a game theory analysis |
2021-2022 |
李亦秦,代嘉逸 Li, Yiqin; Dai, Jiayi |
探讨儿童友好型城市视角下儿童对建成环境的偏好及启发 Improving the school route from the children’s perspective |
2020-2021 |
何德洁,李天舒,肖婉琛 He, Dejie; Li, Tianshu; Xiao, Wanchen |
新冠肺炎疫情背景下的居民户外活动行为的时空间特征和影响机制探究——基于Keep数据的实证研究 Urban residents’ outdoors activities under covid-19: empirical analysis based on the Keep App data |
2020-2021 |
郑新英 Zheng, Xinying |
基于监控视频识别的老年代步车时空特征研究 The spatiotemporal characteristics of the “elderly’s cars”: evidence from surveillance videos |
2020-2021 |
张紫瑶 Zhang, Ziyao |
“理想的城市密度”初探——从理想城市理论出发 On the ideal urban dwelling intensity |
2019-2020 |
万山铨,乔浩然 Wan, Shangquan; Qiao, Haoran |
宁波市江北区违停问题影响因素分析与概率预测 Parking violation in Jiangbei district, Ningbo: influencing factors and occurrence prediction |
8.5 其他教学活动 Other Teaching Activities
1. 担任蜜桃直播
Instructor for the summer course on “BeiDou System and Spatiotemporal Intelligence” at Peking University (2022-present)
2. 担任MIT课程11.066/11.366/15.2371/ 15.237 China’s Urbanization, Digital Technology and Innovation Market的特聘指导教师(2020)
Guest instructor for MIT course 11.066/11.366/15.2371/15.237 China's Urbanization, Digital Technology and Innovation Market (2020)
8.6 教学研究、课程建设与教材建设课题 Pedagogical Research and Textbook Editing Projects
1. 蜜桃直播
专业学位案例教学、实习实践教学课题《“数字技术的规划设计应用”案例库建设》,项目负责人. 2019.1-2019.12
The planning application of the infotech: a collection of case studies. The case study collections project for professional degree programs at Peking University. Principal Investigator. 2019.1-2019.12
2. 蜜桃直播
人工智能助推教学课程建设课题《设计实践II:城市设计》,项目负责人. 2021.12-2022.12
Urban Design II. The AI-driven pedagogical research project of Peking University. Principal Investigator. 2021.12-2022.12
3. 蜜桃直播
“十四五”教材建设项目《时空智能与智慧城市》,项目负责人. 2022.7-2023.12
Spatiotemporal Intelligence and Smart Cities. Peking University's “14th Five-Year Plan” Textbook Editing Project. 2022.7-2023.12
9 公共服务 Public Services
9.1 学术编辑 Editorial Services
1. 《景观设计学》)执行副主编
Associate Editor-in-Chief, Landscape Architecture Frontiers (2019-present)
2. Sustainability专刊Space-Time Urban Resilience and Vulnerability for Smarter Cities特邀客座主编
Invited Guest Editor, Sustainability, Special Issue on Space-Time Urban Resilience and Vulnerability for Smarter Cities (2022-present)
3. Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology 专刊Spatiotemporal Intelligence-Supported Delicacy Management of Cities特邀客座主编
Invited Guest editor, Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology Special Issue on Spatiotemporal Intelligence-Supported Delicacy Management of Cities (2022-present)
9.2 学术期刊审稿 Ad-Hoc Manuscript Reviews
国内外学术期刊审稿人,包括Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics, Annals of American Association of Geographers, Habitat International, Journal of Cleaner Production, Urban Climate, International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, Land, Ecological Modeling, Transactions of Urban Data, Science, and Technology,《城市规划》,《生态学报》,《自然科学史研究》、《景观设计学》,《南方建筑》,《蜜桃直播
Reviewer for domestic and international academic journals including Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics, Annals of American Association of Geographers, Habitat International, Journal of Cleaner Production, Urban Climate, International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, Land, Ecological Modeling, Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology, Landscape Architecture Frontiers, Urban Planning Review (Chinese), Acta Ecologica Sinica (Chinese), Studies in the History of Natural Sciences (Chinese), Southern Architecture (Chinese), Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (Chinese), Journal of Tongji University (Chinese), among others.
9.3 学术组织会员和任职 Academic Society Memberships and Appointments
1. 中国城市科学研究会会员;生态文明与美丽中国专委会委员;韧性城市专委会委员
Member, China Society of Urban Studies. Deputy Secretary General of the Special Committee on Ecological Civilization and Beautiful China, and member of the Special Committee on Resilient Cities
2. 中国城市规划学会会员
Member, Urban Planning Society of China
3. 中国区域科学协会会员
Member, The Regional Science Association of China
4. 中国地理学会会员
Member, The Geographical Society of China
9.4 教育公共服务 Education Community Services
1. 教育部研究生教育监测专家库成员
Member of the Expert Pool for Monitoring Graduate Education, Ministry of Education
2. 教育部重点领域“多学科交叉的国土空间规划虚拟教研室”校际专题协调人
Inter-university coordinator of the Ministry of Education's key multidisciplinary virtual teaching and research laboratories “Territorial spatial planning”
3. 教育部、自然资源部《国土空间规划知识体系(第一版)》“国土空间规划理论与方法”编写组撰稿人、校际专题协调人
Inter-university coordinator of the preparation team for and contributor to the “Theory and Methods of Territorial Spatial Planning” section of the “Knowledge Base of Territorial Spatial Planning (First Edition)” of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Natural Resources
9.5 竞赛评委 Service in Jury Boards of Professional Contests
1. 中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛评委(2021-2022)
Jury board member, The National Graduate Smart City Technology and Innovation Contest (2021-2022)
2. “LA先锋奖”评委(2017-2020)
Jury board member, The Landscape Architecture Frontiers Award (2017-2020)
3. 教育部城市规划教学指导委员会城市设计竞赛评委(2018-2019)
Jury board member, The National Undergraduate Urban Design Competition, hosted by the Ministry of Education’s Steering Committee for Undergraduate Urban Planning Education (2018-2019)
9.6 校内行政与管理服务 Administrative Services
1. 蜜桃直播
行政 At the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
a) 教学指导委员会委员Member, Teaching Steering Committee (2017-present)
b) 科研秘书Academic Secretary (2023-present)
c) 研究生就业辅导员Graduate Career Counselor (2020-2022)
d) 协助建立并负责蜜桃直播
——中交咨询集团研究生实习基地的行政管理和科研组织工作Administrator, the PKU CALA - CCCC Consulting Group Graduate Student Internship Base
2. 国际合作 Internationally
a) 负责北大——哈佛生态城市联合实验室(EUC)的行政管理和科研组织工作Executive Director, the Peking University-Harvard University Ecological Urbanism Collaboration (EUC) (2016-2019)
b) 北大-阿姆斯特丹自由大学-南加州大学联合GeoDesign本科教育项目筹备组的北大联系人University Coordinator for the preparatory team of the Peking University-Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam-University of Southern California joint GeoDesign undergraduate education program (2016-2020)
c) 国际地理设计联盟北大联系人University Coordinator for the International GeoDesign Collaboration (2018-present).
10 荣誉与奖励 Honors and Awards
时间 Time |
颁奖单位 Awarder / Event |
奖项 Award |
2023 |
第三十一届“挑战杯”五四青年科学奖竞赛 The 31st “Challenge Cup” Youth Science Competition of Peking University |
特等奖(指导教师) Highest Award (As tutor) |
2023 |
第六届“北斗之星”创新创业大赛暨丝路国际挑战赛 The 6th “Star of Compass” Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest |
一等奖(指导教师);“北斗名师”称号 Highest Award (As tutor) and Best Tutor Award |
2022 |
第五届“北斗之星”创新创业大赛暨丝路国际挑战赛 The 5th “Star of Compass” Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest |
一等奖(指导教师);“北斗名师”称号 Highest Award (As tutor) and Best Tutor Award |
2021 |
中国城市规划学会 Academic Excellence Award from the Urban Planning Society of China |
中国城市规划学会科技奖二等奖,“基于社会感知的城市个性化宜居地图构建关键技术与规划应用”,排名11 Second Class Award, “Social sensing-based customizable urban livability mapping: key technologies and planning applications”, 11th awardee. |
2021 |
Peking University |
优秀德育奖 Distinguished Moral Educator |
2021 |
Peking University |
就业工作优秀新人奖 Distinguished Career Development Tutor |
2021 |
第一届全国大学生国土空间规划设计竞赛 The 1st National College Territorial Planning & Design Contest |
一等奖(指导教师) Highest Award (As tutor) |
2020 |
第二十届创业大赛 The 20th Entrepreneurship Contest of Peking University |
三等奖(指导教师) Third Class Award (As tutor) |
2020 |
第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(北京赛区) The 6th China International “Web+” College Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest (Beijing Region) |
二等奖(指导教师) Second Class Award (As tutor) |
2020 |
第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛 The 12th “Challenge Cup” China College Entrepreneurship Contest |
北京市一等奖,国家级铜奖(指导教师) First Class Award (Beijing Region) Third Class Award (National) (As tutor) |
2019 |
第二届全国高校数据驱动创新研究大赛 The 2nd National College Data Driven Innovation Contest |
特等奖(指导教师) Highest Award (As tutor) |
2017 |
全国城市规划专业指导委员会学生城市设计竞赛 Annual Student City Design Competition held by the National Undergraduate Urban Planning and Design Education Steering Committee |
佳作奖(指导教师) Award of Excellence (As tutor) |
2016 |
第二届全球大学生房地产创新创业大赛 The 2nd Global College Contest on Real Estate Innovation & Entrepreneurship |
一等奖及最佳指导教师奖 First Class Award (As tutor) and Best Tutor Award |
2012 |
MIT Public Service Center |
MIT Public Service Fellowship |
2011 |
MIT Public Service Center |
MIT Public Service Fellowship |
2011 |
MIT Center for International Studies |
Program on Environmental Governance and Sustainability Fellowship |
2011 |
国家留学基金委 China Scholarship Council |
政府奖学金(博士全奖) China Government Scholarship |
2011 |
Peking University |
优秀毕业生(研究生) M.S. with distinction |
2010 |
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
ASLA Research Honor Award |
2010 |
Peking University |
方正奖学金 Founder Graduate Scholarship |
2009 |
Peking University |
光华奖学金 Guanghua Graduate Scholarship |
2008 |
Peking University |
优秀毕业生(本科) B.E. with distinction |
2007 |
全国城市规划专业指导委员会学生城市设计竞赛 Annual Student City Design Competition held by the National Undergraduate Urban Planning and Design Education Steering Committee |
佳作奖 Award of Excellence (As student) |
2007 |
第十五届“挑战杯”五四青年科学奖竞赛 The 15th “Challenge Cup” Youth Science Competition of Peking University |
Special Contribution Award(As student) |
2005 |
Peking University |
五四奖学金 “May 4th” Scholarship |